STEM Academy – Engineering

This project was created through the efforts of the UIC CHANCE Program in partnership with ComEd, UIC College of Engineering, Department of Computer Science and Project SYNCERE. The CHANCE STEM Academy Program is an interactive program designed to introduce incoming UIC ENGINEERING students to the "World of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math". This 8-week academically intensive program provides hands-on experiences in group settings, led by UIC faculty and staff.
Students will be enrolled in TWO classes throughout the program: one course in their respective major and an Introduction to Black Studies course. During Week 6 and 7 of the program, participants will have the opportunity to stay in University Housing. This opportunity is limited to a select group of students and is offered at NO COST.
PROGRAM DATES: Monday, June 10- Friday, August 2, 2024
PROGRAM TIMES: Monday- Friday 9:00am - 2:00pm
In order to qualify for STEM Academy, students MUST:
- Plan to enroll at UIC for Fall 2024 in one of the following majors:
- Mechanical Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Be available to attend the ENTIRE 8 -WEEK SESSION (No excuses provided for vacations)
- Attend an information session. CLICK HERE to register for an upcoming session.
Space is limited, apply early!!
COURSES (Prerequisite: MUST enroll as a UIC Freshman for Fall 2024):
- Special Topics 194 - Engineering
- Black Studies 100 - Introduction to Black Studies
Please Note: Students who successfully complete the 8 - week program and enroll at UIC in selected majors will be eligible to earn college credit.
For more information contact us: or call: 312-355-5025.